cynthia alice anderson
2 min readJan 28, 2021

Light. Trust. Honesty. Integrity. Faith

this is you…

I want you to remember how good you are. That you are made of light and have something to bring to the world. I see you…over there…shining…don’t be afraid of it…let it glow…remember that this is your real self. Let it flow. Walk around in it. Pray in it. Sit in it. Dance it. The inner self is always calling you to it. Get quiet and listen. It begins like a still small voice but grows inside of you as you listen and follow. Listening to this voice is a call to be more. To own this light and live it in the world, but trust. TRUST is a part of this curriculum. HONESTY with yourself and your process. INTEGRITY with your life and choices, and finally, FAITH. FAITH in what is possible for you.

I believe in you. I see you.

Resting in light,

Cynthia Alice Anderson

cynthia alice anderson
cynthia alice anderson

Written by cynthia alice anderson

Cynthia Alice Anderson guides people to grow, prosper and evolve. Her vision is to ignite soul evolution in humanity.